
Financial Aid Self-Service New Steps

Beginning Friday, Nov. 8, the financial aid tab in self-service will have a different view. You will still access the tab the same way by logging into self-service but once you have logged in you may notice some changes.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out of the Office of Student Financial Aid at or visit Bates House! We are open Monday–Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Here are steps for some common functions that may look different:

To accept grant/scholarship award offer and/or accept terms and conditions:

> Log into self-service and navigate to the “Financial Aid” tab
> Click on “Offer”
> Find “Grants and Scholarships to Pay for College”
  • Review and click “confirm”
  • If Terms and Conditions is needed, it will prompt you to accept. You must review and scroll to bottom of terms and conditions and click “I acknowledge” and then “accept award”


To view and accept loan options:

> Log into self-service and navigate to the “Financial Aid” tab
> Click on “Offer”
> Scroll to view “Options to Pay Net Cost”
> Review Loan options and under “Take Action”
  • Use drop down to "accept all" or d"ecline all"
    • Click submit
  • Only use modify if you don’t intend to accept the full amount


To view missing and required documents: 

> Log into self-service and navigate to the “Financial Aid” tab
> Click on “Home”
> Under “Student Requirements” see: Unsatisfied Requirements

Note: If you click on the form, it will take you to the appropriate link.